Nordegg to Saunders
3 to 6 hrs

This section contains the most hazards on this stretch of river and because there is minimal white water it catches paddlers off guard.
From the Nordegg Bridge to the Gap, braided channels, strainers, sweepers and log jams are encountered. Paddlers must stay focused and ensure all boats have the skill to maneuver through this area. Many boats have been wrapped on these logs.
In the Gap, the river constricts and has tight bends. Stay to the inside of the bends to avoid strong eddy lines with boils.
Between the Gap and Saunders, the river turns into one main channel with a few hazards. The main white water is located close to the Saunders access. Upper Saunders has some medium sized rapids and can be skirted on the left. You will then pass the Shunda Creek confluence, which is followed by a sharp S bend. Right after is Saunders ledge, about 300 meters upstream of Saunders Put In. This ledge is steep and recirculating, stretching all the way from river left to about 10 meters from river right. Loaded boats would be wise to skirt this ledge on far river right. The ledge has surprised many unsuspecting paddlers as it is located right after a 90-degree bend in the river.
Stay Alert!
(pictures coming soon!)