HeLa Ventures
School Group Programs
The HeLa Ventures outdoor education programs are customized for your group size & designed to adhere to Alberta Learning's curriculum requirements. Contact us to start planning your program today!
We provide students an opportunity to explore diverse terrains and engage in activities that encourage them to learn more about their environment. We can design a custom program according to your objectives and preferences with any of the following outdoor adventure activities: lake and whitewater canoeing, river-tripping, rafting, rock-climbing/rappelling, hiking, trail biking and outdoor living skills. We also provide initiative tasks and team building programs.
HeLa offers a variety of adventure education programs for school groups. All programs offer opportunities for integration of curriculum objectives, and focus on teaching safety knowledge, skills and judgement in outdoor adventure education activities. The programs flow from an "experiential education" framework, and thus offer learning, connections and fun!

All of our programs are lead by well-trained, qualified and certified staff.
We meet or exceed all School Board safety and insurance policies. Click here to download our Safety Policies Document (.pdf file).
Our programs are designed to meet your specific expectations and curriculum objectives. Click here to download our Curriculum Connections document (.pdf file). You need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open and print this document.
Equipment List
Equipment List Here.
*Some programs may require additional equipment or supplies; please check with coordinators.
Instructor-to-student ratio will vary depending on the type of activity.
In any of our programs, safety is ALWAYS our first priority, and the quality of instruction/guiding reflects that mandate.
Further details on the qualifications of the instructors/guides for your particular program will be provided upon registration.
Program Delivery
HeLa offers some standard programs (see Program Option Samples*), or can be designed in a mix-and-match fashion. For example, a mountain biking option might become a part of the climbing and/or hiking day, or a stand up paddle (SUP) board opportunity a part of
the canoeing day. -
For larger groups, students may elect to do canoeing, while others choose biking.
All programs require a minimum of 6 registrants to proceed.
*Please contact us if you are interested in exploring these options.

Program Option Samples
Below are a few examples of program structures that have been curated for student groups
Option A: Canoeing Focus - Three Day SAMPLER
In this three-day program, students learn the basics of lake and river canoeing with our Paddle
Canada (PC) certified instructors. Our focus is on developing canoeing skills to allow students to
manoeuvre their canoe safely and efficiently.
While paddling on scenic Twin Lakes, students practice their new skills with a variety of exercises and games. The canoeing experience culminates on the third day with a paddle on the North Saskatchewan River.
For day 2, a variety of dry land programming options are available.
Evening activities include healthy, delicious food and games!
Note: River runs include options for using tandem canoes and/or rafts. The section we choose depends on your objectives and/or environmental considerations. Rapids on the North Saskatchewan River section that we paddle are maximum Class II.
A1: Three Day Standard Canoeing Program
Day 1 - Lake canoeing (skills training)
Day 2 - A challenging ridge hike
Day 3 - Option of either a river tripping or white water (Class II) skills development experience
A2: Three Day Standard Canoeing Program with Top-roped Climbing
Day 1 - Lake canoeing (skills training)
Day 2 - Top-roped rock climbing and interpretive hiking
Day 3 - Option of either a river tripping or white water (Class II) skills development experience
A3: Three Day Standard Canoeing Program with CTS credit options
Day 1 - Lake canoeing (skills training)
Day 2 - Dependent upon the CTS module chosen, the focus will be either wilderness living and
survival skills, or forestry-based experiences and activities. CTS concepts are integrated
throughout the program. Please contact us to determine which CTS module(s) will fit your program
Day 3 - Option of either a river tripping or white water (Class II) experience
Option B: Two Day SAMPLER
This two-day program is designed to give students a safe introduction to two or three outdoor
adventure activities.
Day 1 - Full day hike in the mountains west of Nordegg
Day 2 - Rafting on the North Saskatchewan river
Day 1: Lake Canoeing at Twin Lakes and Trail Biking* at Crimson Lake Provincial Park
Day 2: Wilderness Living Skills and Rafting on the North Saskatchewan river or Rafting only
*For junior high students below Grade 9, trail biking is substituted with lake canoeing.